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Whole Home

There is nothing more frustrating than a power outage. it can be difficult to work, play, keep your family comfortable and even cook. that’s why many people choose to use a generator so they have access to power even during an outage. There are two main types available–portable and whole house generators. Let us explain what a whole house electrical generator is and why it may be a smart choice for you.

What is a Whole
Home Generator?

A whole home generator is an installed fixture; it looks much like an air conditioning unit. It connects to your home’s electrical system and has its own fuel source. With an automatic switch, it turns on when you lose power. Usually in less than 30 seconds after the power goes out. It will provide power to your house throughout the outage. Then, when power restores it shuts off and normal power will resume. A whole house electrical generator is much like what a hospital or business uses to ensure they maintain power.

Benefits of Whole Home Generators vs. Portable Generators

A generator is the best way to make sure your house has power in case of a utility outage. At a low price point starting at $200 or so, a portable generator is appealing to many homeowners. So, why consider a whole home generator instead? The portable unit has limited power and cannot keep a whole house running. Consider these extra benefits.

  • Fuel Source – Whole house generators use natural gas or propane, which is often easier to store than gas.
  • No Extension Cords – Permanent wiring means no extension cords running through your home.
  • Automatic Switch – Choose an automatic switch for your generator. Then, the changeover from one power source to another is seamless.
  • Quieter – A whole home generator is, by and large, quieter than a portable unit. If you need to use it for an extended time it will be less obtrusive.